Tuesday, June 24, 2008


"R u 2 dating?" "I love you" "Are u all a couple, is what i mean." "My gf will stay with me as long as am living." "Not my boyfriend. It's her boyfriend" "I miss you." "Dat's so sweet of you. That's one of the many reason I love you." "I dunno. Wait. What do you mean by dating?" "It's fate, u see. Angel and demon cant never be together." "Well i hope you know abt this if he ask you to be his girlfriend...cos you deserve to be with a guy who is faithful to one girl" "Dont ever say it's fate again." "You are simply wonderful." "Dont let facebook and friendster make you think nonsense k" "I love you too." "R u 2 official?" "You are everything dat I wan" "Why do you always go out with him? He has a gf, hasnt he?" "I'll not go over bound, neither should you. We'll be best ever best friend.though it will b hard,but our relationship will last 4ever!" "I dunno." "It hurts me 2say even a word bout we're just frens." "Will he treat you as how he treats his current gf when the both of you really get together?" "Love you..you know i really do."

------------!!!!!!!!!말하지 말라!!!!!!!!!!-------------

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